The Gift Guide / Blog / Tips on Writing A Thoughtful Card

Tips on Writing A Thoughtful Card

Writing a thoughtful card can carry even more sentiment to the recipient than the gift itself. It can feel like a lot of pressure to write a thoughtful card, but once you tap in to the spirit, nothing is more impactful than a heartfelt note.

We have some tips below to help you get in the mindset?

ideas to get started:

  • What do you love about the recipient? Are they funny? Reliable? Make you laugh? Bring you joy? 
  • How do they inspire you/  make you feel? 
  • Maybe include a treasured memory you share together? 
  • What are you are looking to sharing in the future?
  • A poem that makes you think of the recipient or something you wrote yourself for extra credit

We hope this helps provide some inspiration to tap into writing thoughtful cards.

What are your favorite ways to write a thoughtful note? We’d love to hear from you!

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