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The Dog Gift Guide

Are you or a loved one getting a new dog? It is such an exciting time and if you are a new owner, there can be a lot to prepare. Surprise your loved one with a little treat for their new pet. We have put together a list of our favorites (mostly selected by the office dog, Chester, a 3 year old chocolate lab). Keep in mind, it is always a good idea to consult your vet when introducing new products or treats to your pet.

What items does you dog love? Have favorites or any tips and tricks to share? We’d love to hear from you!


Play Time!

Health & Wellness

On The Go/ Car Kit

Tips and Tricks

  • When opening a can of pumpkin, I like to put any leftovers in ice cube trays. Once frozen solid, I put in a ziploc bag in the freezer for individual serving sizes to give my dog as a treat or to help regulate his stomach.
  • I always keep a kong full of peanut butter in the freezer. Whenever I leave the house, I give it to my dog on my way out the door. freezing the kong prolongs the treat and helps to keep his attention while we are away, as well as aids with separation anxiety when we leave.
  • Coconut oil is great for a dog’s coat as well as a balm for their paw pads.

Looking for more ideas? Shop the full pet gift guide at the

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